Your boyfriend and family are important to you, and the last thing you want to do is disappoint them. If you suspect you are pregnant, honesty is always the best policy, even when sharing potentially upsetting information.
Before breaking the news, confirm your pregnancy and talk with one of our caring client advocates. The advocates can give you tips for sharing the news with those closest to you.
Confirm Your Pregnancy
Home pregnancy tests are reliable, but there is room for error. Research suggests as much as 5% of all home pregnancy tests return incorrect results.
At BsideU for Life, you have access to free pregnancy testing. Our tests are lab-quality, and our professional team can advise you on the correct time to take a pregnancy test to receive the most accurate results.
We can arrange a free limited OB ultrasound scan if you receive a positive test during your visit with us. Having an ultrasound is important for all pregnancies. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) estimates that as many as 26% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage. Depending on when you took your pregnancy test, it is possible to get a positive test result even though you have miscarried. The ultrasound can help determine whether or not your pregnancy is progressing and direct you towards your next options based on your results.
Talk About Your Situation
Once you have confirmed you are pregnant, one of our advocates can sit down with you to discuss your situation. We care about you and want to help you make this important announcement. You should never feel alone.
It’s critical to talk about some of the following issues:
- Are you close to your parents or struggling to get along?
- Do you live at home or on your own?
- Are you and your boyfriend planning a future together?
- Do you feel safe talking with them?
The answer to these questions helps your advocate advise you, and talking with a neutral third party helps you sort through your emotions and see things more clearly.
Learn About Your Options
You have options and the better prepared you are with information, the easier it will be to present your thoughts. You and your advocate can talk about each of the following:
- Abortion procedures, side effects, and potential risks
- The possibility of making an adoption plan for your child
- The resources available to assist you with parenting
Choose The Right Time
There is no perfect time to tell everyone of your unexpected pregnancy. Pick the day and time when everyone can thoroughly listen as you share. Allow for time to share all the information you learned about your pregnancy options.
Like you, your parents and boyfriend need time to absorb the news. Be open to the possibility that their responses may be different from what you expect, and that emotions may run high. Try to wait to react to their answer. Give everyone the space and time they need to comprehend the situation.
What If We Don’t Agree?
Everyone needs time to absorb the news. You might be surprised at the change of heart that may come with time.
Ultimately, you have the final say on the outcome of your pregnancy. Your parents and boyfriend may try to force or manipulate you to make a choice they desire. Remember, legally no one has the right to decide for you.
Immediately contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) if you feel unsafe after sharing. They have counselors who can advise you.
We’re Here For You
As you’re considering how to talk with your boyfriend and family about your unexpected pregnancy, please know we are here for you. We are the welcoming, safe place where you can share your fears and ask questions.
Set up your free appointment today. Same-day appointments are available. Let’s discuss your circumstances, find the way forward, and help you share the news with others when you’re ready.