The abortion pill method is also known as a medical or chemical abortion because it uses drugs to end a pregnancy. The answer to your question is, “Yes, you can buy the abortion pill online.” But a better question could be, “Should I buy the abortion pill online?”

The FDA does not recommend buying one of the drugs online. Let’s take a closer look at why they feel it isn’t safe.

What Are the Abortion Pill Drugs?

There are two drugs in the abortion pill method. The first drug, mifepristone, blocks the hormone progesterone from reaching the uterus. All pregnancies need progesterone to develop, so without it, the pregnancy ends. 

The FDA highly regulates the distribution of mifepristone. Only certified providers can prescribe the drug. The FDA approves the use of mifepristone through 10 weeks of pregnancy only (70 days from the first day of your last menstrual period). 

Because the drug is less effective the farther along you are in your pregnancy, knowing the number of weeks you have been pregnant is vital. The best method of determining the correct date is with an ultrasound.

Misoprostol is the second drug. This drug causes bleeding and contractions to remove the pregnancy and tissue from a woman’s body. Some studies have shown that the contractions can be quite severe.

What’s Wrong With Buying Abortion Drugs Online?

You should take extra precautions any time you purchase drugs online. Just like other products you buy online, there is a chance of purchasing abortion drugs online and not receiving the actual product. 

Many of the online sources offer drugs manufactured in foreign countries. As a result, you cannot guarantee the safety, effectiveness, and quality of the drugs. They promise discounted prices and fast delivery, but can you trust the source?

Plus, purchasing the drugs directly online bypasses a critical healthcare review. Some health issues disqualify you from using the drugs. 

The Mayo Clinic states that a medical abortion (the abortion pill method) isn’t an option for you for the following reasons:

  • You are too far along in your pregnancy.
  • You have an intrauterine device (IUD) in place.
  • You have a suspected pregnancy outside the uterus (ectopic pregnancy).
  • Have certain medical conditions.
  • Take a blood thinner.
  • Can’t reach a healthcare provider or emergency care.
  • You are allergic to the medicine.

How Can I Find Out if I Qualify?

By getting an ultrasound, you can rule out certain factors that disqualify you, like how far along you are in your pregnancy and if it is correctly located in your uterus. BsideU for Life offers free and confidential ultrasounds when you receive a positive pregnancy test result at our center.

Get the facts about your pregnancy first before ordering anything online. We do not perform or refer for abortions, but we can provide you with the pregnancy information you need to stay safe. 

Schedule an appointment for your free and confidential pregnancy testing. You may also be eligible for a free ultrasound. We are here for you.