The first three months can be the most challenging. Your body is changing and your hormones are all over the place.
Initially, you won’t look pregnant. For many women a “baby bump” appears at the end of the 2nd month and maybe at the end of the 3rd month. It really depends on your body. Whether or not you have a bump, be prepared for the symptoms of being pregnant.
Initial symptoms may include mood swings like crying or getting angry. Even extreme happiness can occur – remember…your hormones are all over the map. If you find yourself crying for no reason, it could be that you’re pregnant!
Some of the common symptoms of pregnancy mimic your menstrual cycle symptoms. Swollen, tender breasts are a good example of this. You probably experience this a week before your period as part of your PMS symptoms, but it happens when you become pregnant, too.
Morning sickness may or may not happen to you. You might initially think you’re coming down with the flu, or you have food poisoning. In reality, it’s the beginning of a wonderful 9-month journey that makes you nauseous.
Some women experience morning sickness only in the morning. Others have it all day long. There are different ways you can alleviate this symptom. Keep oyster crackers or saltine crackers by your bed to eat before you get up. Use the “seasick bands” you can wear on your wrists. If those don’t work, ask us here at the center for advice on what medications and other treatments are suitable during pregnancy.
Certain smells and foods may make you sick to your stomach. This includes items you previously craved and thought were delicious! At the same time, you might suddenly start craving things you never would have eaten before. This is very normal, so just feed your body what it wants.
You might notice that you have to go to the restroom more often. Your bladder will start to produce more urine and you’ll have to empty it frequently – during the day and throughout the night.
You might experience extreme fatigue during the initial stages of pregnancy. You won’t have as much energy and because you’re also feeling some morning sickness, it might make you confirm your feeling of having the flu. If it doesn’t end, like the flu would, then it could be due to pregnancy.
Dizziness and lightheadedness are common during the first trimester. Fainting is fairly common, so you want to be careful when you start to feel this way and prepare for this by sitting down and not forcing yourself to try to stand until the feeling passes.
Headaches are also common during the first trimester. You may have never experienced frequent headaches before, and suddenly they’re cropping up on a regular basis.
You want to check with your doctor to see what headache remedy he or she advises you to take because anything you take is also going to get to your baby, so you have to be careful not to take too much of anything – or the wrong kind of medication.
The first trimester can be draining. You might be very emotional and your body is undergoing changes. But once this part is over, you’ll start to feel much better. Remember, we at the center are here for you so talk to us!