If you’re considering abortion, it’s important to understand the various options that may be available to you, as well as the risks and side effects related to each.

There are two main types of abortion, including medical abortions (also called the abortion pill) and surgical abortions. BsideU for Life is here to help you learn more about the pregnancy options available to you so you can make an empowered and educated choice for your future.

Medical Abortion

Medical abortion, or the abortion pill, is a form of chemical abortion available to women in the first 70 days, or ten weeks, of pregnancy. This process requires taking two drugs, Mifepristone and Misoprostol.

Mifepristone is used to end the pregnancy by preventing the body from absorbing the necessary amounts of progesterone, while Misoprostol is taken later to cause contractions and force the pregnancy tissue from the womb.

Surgical Abortion Procedures

The two main forms of surgical abortions are Suction Curettage and Dilation and Evacuation (D&E). The type of surgical abortion procedure used largely depends on how far along the pregnancy is at the time of the procedure. 

Suction Curettage Abortions

A Suction Curettage abortion is typically used in the first trimester of pregnancy. During this procedure, the abortion provider will dilate the cervix and insert a plastic tube into the uterus. A suctioning device connected to the tube will then be used to pull apart and suction the pregnancy tissue from the uterus.

To ensure there is no retained fetal tissue, the abortion provider will scrape the uterus using a curette tool. Retained fetal tissue, also called an incomplete abortion, can lead to infection, sepsis, or hemorrhaging.

Dilation and Evacuation Abortion

Dilation and Evacuation (D&E) abortion procedures are used in the second trimester of pregnancy due to the more developed stage of the fetus. In this procedure, the abortion provider will dilate the cervix and use forceps to break apart and remove the bones and tissue of the pregnancy, as well as the placenta.

What Are the Side Effects and Risks Related to Abortion? 

Before undergoing an abortion procedure, take time to educate yourself regarding the side effects and risks you may face.

When taking the abortion pill, women may experience side effects including nausea, fever, chills, dizziness, diarrhea, weakness, vomiting, and headaches, as well as more severe health risks such as infection, sepsis, and hemorrhaging.

In addition to bleeding and cramping, surgical abortions may result in health risks including infection, prolonged bleeding, uterine perforation, and injury to the cervix.

Is Abortion Right for Me? 

Knowing if abortion is the right pregnancy choice for you is not easy. Thankfully, the more information you have, the more empowered and sure you will be as you make a choice for your pregnancy.

Before deciding if abortion is right for you, it’s important to receive pre-abortion screenings, including pregnancy testing, an ultrasound scan, STI testing, and a medical consultation.

Looking for free pregnancy services? BsideU for Life provides the necessary pre-abortion screenings, as well as helpful information on all of the options and resources available to you — all at no cost!

Visit BsideU for Life today to learn more about your eligibility for various pregnancy options, understand your risk factors, and explore our empowering education and resource programs!

Schedule your free appointment today!