An abortion can be an expensive procedure. Few insurance companies cover a person not legally married to you or someone who is not a legal dependent, such as a child. Check with your insurance plan to see what they pay, if anything.
Are You and Your Girlfriend Aware of the Abortion Pill Risks?
You may have heard that taking abortion drugs is as easy as taking an aspirin, but nothing can be further from the truth. The abortion pill method uses two powerful drugs to end a pregnancy.
The FDA highly regulates the first drug, mifepristone. This drug is approved for use only through 10 weeks of pregnancy. Mifepristone blocks the hormone progesterone from reaching the uterus. Without progesterone, the pregnancy cannot survive.
Only certified providers can prescribe mifepristone. Because the FDA closely regulates this drug, they do not recommend purchasing it online. Many online sites are from overseas manufacturers and have different safety standards.
The second drug, misoprostol, causes bleeding and contractions to remove the pregnancy from her body. Some women report extreme pain.
The Mayo Clinic lists the following as potential risks:
- An incomplete abortion. When it is incomplete, the pregnancy has ended, but not all of the pregnancy tissue left the body. It can lead to a serious infection.
- An ongoing pregnancy if the procedure doesn’t work. The drugs are less effective the farther along your girlfriend’s pregnancy is.
- Heavy and prolonged bleeding.
- Infection.
- Fever.
- Digestive system discomfort.
Does Your Girlfriend Know How Far Along She Is?
Knowing the number of weeks your girlfriend has been pregnant is vital for her health and safety. To determine how far along the pregnancy is, she needs an ultrasound.
BsideU for Life offers free and confidential medical services, including ultrasounds. Set up an appointment at the center to get free and confidential pregnancy testing. If her test is positive and she is far enough along, she may also be eligible for an ultrasound.
How Else Can BsideU for Life Help Me?
We imagine finding out your girlfriend was pregnant was quite a shock. We understand. Although we do not perform or refer for abortions, we can give both of you factual information about abortion procedures, the side effects to expect, and possible risks.
Get all the information you need before moving forward. Have your girlfriend schedule an appointment or schedule one for her. You owe it to yourself and her to get the facts. We can help.
All abortion information sourced in this blog is based on accurate information at the time of writing.